My ideal job essay

My ideal job essay

my ideal job essay

Most people learn knowledge because they hope to obtain an ideal job for themselves. For my part, it is also an important reason that I learn knowledge. For my future working environment, I would like to work in marketing sector. My ideal job is to be a boss, because once I’m a boss, I’ll own much money and I can do anything I want to help other people in trouble. I like helping people very much. When I go shopping with my friend, I see some people bef for money or food. Barbara Coleman CJ100: Eight Skills Section03 My ideal career would be nursing. Since, I was a little girl that was always my dream. There are many people who think nursing is a job that is tiresome and does not pay well. Ideal job My ideal job is to be an English teacher. When I sat and thought about the question, why I want to become an English teacher, many different reasons went through my mind. Someone once told me that teaching is the most rewarding experience. I’m interested in English.

“I would describe the ideal job as a job that makes the most of my qualifications and abilities, and gives me a chance to constantly challenge myself.

I look for a stable job with quality supervision, a positive work culture at a successful company that will encourage me to work at my best.” My Dream Job According to American author, Suzy Kassem, “A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers.” I like this principle because I believe that a person needs dreams to gain a sense of purpose in life. When I wake up in the morning, I usually feel excited because I have a set of goals to accomplish. My Ideal Job It is not uncommon today to equate an ideal job with financial success or material comforts.

What this means is that high-paying work for many may be considered to be the ultimate dream work without consideration for other variables such as whether they like the role imposed by the job or whether they have the aptitude, skill and temperament for it Ideal Job the most ideal job to have would be the doctor, because it demands many special criteria of knowledge to be well-educated enough to successfully cure people, it also needs the experiences and further knowledge to advance towards the actual healing of humans, and finally it would be the downfall of the world if doctors did not exist. The ideal job is a career path where you do work, which you love and which completely satisfies you. It is the profession that one is good at, interested in, and most importantly, happy doing, whilst getting rewarded with a source of income for it.

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