Essay compare and contrast two cities

Essay compare and contrast two cities

essay compare and contrast two cities

Compare And Contrast Essay Between Two Cities The Comparison and Contrast of Texas and Dubai. Texas and Dubai are two towns I have lived in and they tend to have some similarities based on the people’s lifestyle and other economic factors. In this case, the two towns are somehow similar, but, Dubai tends to be hot nearly all year round. These examples would lead to a more narrowed comparison, whereas a broader comparison might compare the two cities’ climates, major industries, nightlife and religious culture, all within the same essay. Outline the order in which you will present your points of comparisons, and allot one paragraph to each point of comparison. Compare And Contrast Essay For Two Cities  Compare and Contrast This type of writing assignment is common On a standardized test, you may be asked to analyze literature, evaluate ideas, or make a judgment and explain your reasons.

In responding to these types of prompts, you often will compare and contrast characters, concepts, or choices. Topic2: Write an essay contrasting two cities ( comparision – contrast essay) 02 Nov. Da lat and Vung Tau city, which were established early ago, have high population density and living standards. People who live in two cities have the same traditional cultures and they come from different provinces of Vietnam. Compare and contrast two cities Essay. The greatest celebration in Kazakhstan is called “Nauriz Eve”. There is a legend in Central Asia that every year during the night between the 21st and 22nd of March (the spring equinox), the wise elder Kadyr-Ata walks across the Earth. SAMPLE WRITING PROCESS: CONTRAST PARAGRAPH/ESSAY Contrast paragraphs ask you to write about the differences between two things (cities, foods, etc.). Thus, they are the opposite of compare paragraphs, which ask you to find the similarities between two things.

However, their styles are quite similar – when brainstorming for a contrast essay Get Your Custom Essay on Compare and Contrast About Two Cities Just from $13,9/Page Get custom paper In contrast, Vung Tau city climate is very intense heat in the dry season and cool in the rain season because Vungtau city climate has two specific seasons, which are rain season from May to November and dry season from December to next April. A compare-and-contrast essay, then, analyzes two subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both. The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. The two cities differ in age, population and climate but they share many similarities at the same time. Firstly, of course, Samsun is the older city. It is over some thousands years old.

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